Microsoft is adding an AI Chatbot to its SwiftKey Keyboard app


Microsoft has added BIng AI chatbot to its popular third-party keyboard app SwiftKey for iOS and Android phones, giving users quick access to AI-generated answers and tips.

With the keyboard open, just tap the blue Bing icon above the keyboard on the left to open the submenu, then choose whether you want the Bing AI to search the internet for a query or give you the same answers over chat.

A chatbot can also help Conversational toneOffer suggestions for alternative ways to craft a written statement if you want your letters to be a little nicer, funnier, or more professional. Heck, it’ll even condense what you’re saying into something proportionate to a 140-character tweet.

Anyone can use Bing AI for in-keyboard searching, but the more advanced AI chatbot and tone refinement require users to sign into their Microsoft account first.

Microsoft It added artificial intelligence to its Bing search engine in early February and more AI integrations have been rolled out since then, such as the addition of an AI image creator Powered by OpenAI’s Dall-E AI to Bing and An AI-powered “co-pilot” for its Office applications. It looks like Bing AI will play a huge role in the advancement of Microsoft products, as a company Add it to Windows 11also.

Ultimately, adding AI capability to its products is Microsoft’s way of differentiating itself from its tech competitors. Google has launched its own AI Bard company At the end of march confirmed that conversational artificial intelligence is coming to its search enginewhile Amazon Launched a new cloud service It’s called Amazon Bedrock that helps AWS customers build AI-powered applications.

Read more: ChatGPT vs. Bing vs. Google Bard: Which AI Is More Useful?

The AI ​​wave has taken off before OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which arrived late last year surprising users with its rich responses and conversation. Critics ChatGPT swipe To generate seemingly plausible but false information, its potential has shocked the tech industry in response, Google reports Looks like “code red” After launching OpenAI’s chatbot.

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