Oura rings, and in-store fittings will be available at Best Buy


Oura rings have made quite a splash in the world of wearable devices. With its sleek design packed with important health-tracking features, including temperature readings and sleep metrics, it paved the way for health-conscious users to get a holistic look without the bulk of a smartwatch.

But when you’re making a big purchase (Oura ring prices start at $300), it’s helpful to take a “test drive” to make sure you’re comfortable with the feel of the wearable and that you’re buying the correct size. Now you can do just that with Oura, after the company announced Monday that it will begin selling the rings at Best Buy stores.

While all Best Buy stores now have Oura rings available on their website, more than 250 locations across the United States have the rings in stock so customers can buy them there if they choose. For the remaining locations, you can still get your size/find your size and Best Buy will order it for in-store pickup.

Ora says it will stock its “best selling” rings at Best Buy, which include the Heritage ring in black and the Horizon rings in silver and gold.

Oura advertises eight different ring sizes on its website. Rings start at $300 and prices go up depending on style and color — Oura also has a $6 monthly subscription price. Read the latest news from CNET on episodes of Oura.

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